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Trainer Profile
APDT Member Since 2005

Click! Adiestramiento Canino

Clases grupales, individuales y a domicilio en todo Capital Federal y Gran Buenos Aires, Argentina. Entrená a tu perro con métodos positivos y efectivos!
Training Equipment: El método positivo solo require que tengas comida cortada chiquita para usar como premio. Además podes usar juguetes. Una correa con collar simple también es necesaria para entrenar al aire libre.
Training Philosophy: Nosotros usamos solo métodos positivos. Queremos que vos y tu perro se diviertan entrenando. Aprenderás a entender a tu perro mediante su lenguaje corporal y además como enseñarle comandos.
Locations Served: Contactate con nosotros para averiguar si hay clases grupales cerca tuyo. Además ofrecemos clases a domicilio.
The human-animal bond is one of the most wonderful relationships in this world. My goal is to give you all the knowledge you need to understand your pet like never before. The tools and techniques you will learn with us are positive and based on dog behavior science. I don’t want you to just learn a basic recipe (ex. how to stop your dog pulling on the leash), but to understand how to communicate between each other. This will enable you to solve many problems that could arise later on in your dog’s life. On our website you will find information on basic dog obedience training to start training your furry friend right away! You can also submit questions, make a webpage telling us the story of your dog and much more! Follow us on twitter for daily tips too! I have over 10 years experience working with people and their dogs, e-mail me or contact me through my website with your particular problem or questions today!
Services Offered
AKC Canine Partner
Behavioral Consultation
CGC Training
Clicker Training
Fun Games
Group Training
Private Lessons
Private Training