DOG MOM I am certified in Behavior Assessment & Counseling, and I work with clients in their homes on a one-on-one basis. Dog-walking,visits & more too. Certifications: Training Equipment: Whatever the particular dog I'm working with will respond best to. Treats, toys, various collars/halters/harnesses, leashes of various lenths, sounds, visual/oral cues etc. Training Philosophy: Find the technique that the dog responds best to. If they enjoy the process they'll learn faster. Locations Served: My staff and I serve Central Marin County, in California, from Corte Madera to Novato, including San Rafael, San Anselmo, Ross, Greenbrae, Fairfax and Larkspur; eff. July'2016 Sonoma is included.
I train throughout Northern California. I have been offering Behavior Consultations & Training throughout the Bay Area since 2002. I train using a combination of positive reinforcement and discipline.
I’ve turned dogs around that were determined by other trainers and behaviorists to be too aggressive to be saved, and they’re now welcomed and loving family members.
My focus is on owners who are stressed, frustrated or unhappy because their dogs are unruly, anxious, aggressive, hyper, withdrawn, stubborn, fearful etc. I’ve found that giving dogs: structure, discipline, good exercise and lots of love results in their best behavior and well being.
I am certified in Canine Assessment & Counseling through the Marin Humane Society's Canine Behavior Academy, certified in Pet First Aid, Trail Certified, licensed with Marin County Parks and Open Space, and insured through the same company that insures the American Kennel Club owners, trainers and handlers.
I am a founding board member of the Marin Pet Care Association (www.marinpetcareassociation.org).
Behavioral Consultation
Private Lessons
Private Training