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APDT International

Trainer Profile

All Creatures Country Club

Classes, private, board, behavior, Service Dog Dog Trainer Academies and Internships/Apprenticeships. Plus 3-Day Seminar Camps. AKC CGC Evaluator #23859.
Certifications: AKC CGC
Designations: CPDT-KA
Training Equipment: Clickers, Human food treats, toys, opportunities for fun stuff. Drag lines, long lines. For elders and the disabled, head collars. All leads are cotton or leather.
Training Philosophy: Building relationships, building trust and cooperation. It is far easier to train than complain.
Locations Served: Greeneville, Johnson City, Knoxville, Morristown, Newport, Dandridge, Jefferson City, Greene Co., Cocke Co., Hawkins Co., Washington Co., Sullivan Co, & Knox Co.
Positive Reinforcement Training, utilizing the Science of Learning. Classical and Operant Conditioning, train your dog the easy, fun way! Clicker Training Levels in weekly classes. Private Service Dog Training. Private behavior assessments. Private training at our facility, or in your home. Boarding School three week dog training. Dog Trainer Intern programs - three levels. Dog Trainer Apprentice programs - four levels. Boarding Kennel Owner/Manager Intern Programs. Weekend dog training experiences for groups. Come camping with us and work on an issue, or learn a new training skill. We work with aggression issues. We train Service Dogs for mobility, hearing, autism, and more. Our new training center is complete, and classes are conducted weekly.
Services Offered
AKC Canine Partner
Assistance Service Dog
Behavioral Consultation
Board and Train
CGC Training
CLASS Evaluator
CLASS Instructor
Clicker Training
Day Training
Fun Games
Group Training
In-Home Training
Nose Work
Private Lessons
Private Training
Puppy Classes
Puppy Socialization
Service Dog Training
Shelter Behavior Training
Teleconference/Virtual Sessions
Therapy Dog Classes
Therapy Dog Evaluator
Trick Training