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APDT International

Trainer Profile

International Institute for Animal Assisted Play Therapy®

Animal Assisted Play Therapy® for children, adults, families, & groups; Training of mental health, allied health, education, and canine professionals in AAPT; dog behavior consults; traumatized/fearful/puppy mill dogs. Certified Dog Behavior Consultant.
Designations: SC.D
Job Title: Founder & President
Training Equipment: Perfect-Fit harness (favorite); flat collars; leashes - My goal is to eliminate reliance on equipment. I never use items that could be aversive for dogs. I want the dogs to enjoy themselves while learning! For our AAPT program, we work offleash.
Training Philosophy: I am committed to humane, positive, dog-friendly and people-friendly training and behavior consultation without the use of coercive, aversive equipment or methods.
Locations Served: Cumberland, Dauphin, Adams, Perry counties; others possible or will help with referrals; distance consults on traumatized/fearful/unsocialized dogs
* Licensed Psychologist (PA)- license is PS-004870-L * Registered Play Therapist - Supervisor #0011 * Certified Dog Behavior Consultant (CDBC; IAABC) Positive training and behavior consultation for most breeds of dogs (part-time). Individual families; in your home; children welcome! Discounted training and consultation for dogs recently adopted from shelter/rescue or who have special needs (e.g., deaf dogs; super fearful dogs). Training of handlers of play therapy dogs. Training approach is positive and fun for the dogs AND the people! Limited availability by appointment.
Services Offered
Behavioral Consultation
Clicker Training
Fun Games
Private Lessons
Private Training
Therapy Dog Classes
Therapy Dog Evaluator