Ren's Pups, LLC I'm a Certified Professional Dog Trainer (CPDT-KA), Pro Dog Trainer (PDT), Certified Trick Dog Instructor (CTDI), Canine Conditioning Fitness Coach (CCFC), Stunt Dog Evaluator/Judge, CGC Evaluator (through the AKC), C.L.A.S.S. Instructor (through the APDT), Animal Actor Certified Evaluator (AACE), a graduate of the Dog*tec Dog Walking Academy, member of the True Blue Trainers (Blue Buffalo) and Zukes Trainer teams. Certifications: AKC CGC, CDW Designations: CTDI, CPDT-KA, CCFC, PDT, STJ, AKC CGC/ATT, AACE Job Title: Owner/Manager Training Philosophy: Professional, reliable service. You deserve the best. I will provide it! Genuine concern. I want your dog to succeed. I will treat your pet like it is my own. I give Top Notch care using positive reinforcement shaping your dog's brain thru games. Locations Served: Hendersonville, Gallatin, Goodlettsville, Nashville, TN and surrounding areas. Languages: English www.renspups.com/about-us
CGC Training
CLASS Evaluator
Clicker Training
Fun Games
Group Training
In-Home Training
Private Lessons
Teleconference/Virtual Sessions
Trick Training